How Bluetooth Works

Bluetooth is a specification for the use of low power radio communications to wireless phones,computers, and other network wireless devices over short distances. The name Bluetooth is actually borrowed from Harald Bluetooth, a Denmark king more than 1,000 years ago.

The technology of Bluetooth was primarily designed to support simple wireless networking of devices and peripherals, which includes cell phones, PDAs,and wireless headsets. The wireless signals that are transmitted by Bluetooth cover short distances of up to 30 feet, generally communicating less than 1 MPps (Mega Byte per second).

The networks of Bluetooth feature dynamic topology called PAN or a piconet. The piconets contain aminumum of two and a maximum of eight peer devices. The devices will communicate using protocols that are part of the specification.

Even though the Bluetooth standard will utilize the same 2.4 GHz range as 802.11b and 802.11g, the technology isn't suitable for a Wi-Fi replacement. When compared to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth is much slower, limited in range, and actually supports less devices.

For short range devices, Bluetooth is rapidly becoming the best. The technology is more popular with cell phones, as Bluetooth headsets are the way to go these days. To use Bluetooth, your cell phone will need to have it enabled, or an infared device somewhere on the phone.

Upcoming devices are utilizing Bluetooth as well, such as PS3 and the Nintendo Revolution. The wireless controllers will be Bluetooth enabled,which will give players the cutting edge.

If you own a cell phone or other wireless device, you should look into Bluetooth. The technologyis nothing short of spectacular, making it something that will be around for years and years to come. As technology gets bigger and bigger, you can expect Bluetooth to advance as well.

Many people don't like cables. When people want to copy information from their old mobile phone to their new mobile phone many makes and models including Nokia, LG and Samsung allow the user to "blue tooth accross" their text messages, phone book enteries and sometimes phone settings.

Nokia bluetooth mobile handsets are particually good at this. When a person orders a mp3 ringtone or real tone, they can send it to thier friend for free over bluetooth instead of sending it as a text message through their mobile network which they may get changed for.

Certain mobile phone based chat clients can use blue tooth to communicate, with the benefit again of the mobile phone opeartors billing being totally cut out.

Many video streaming mobile phones are equipped with bluetooth. Even though having bluetooth switched on does cause a significant battery drian, bluetooth is a far better technology for power consumption over the other options including WiFi.



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